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CtǬ 48,17 X XՐز Ō uXij] | tX $ | ` 8\ | xijXՔ t. D ERRP#RRRPB\C I am the LORD, your God, teaching you how to prevail, leading you on the way you should go. DE  P6  PB1 C ¸ 32,8 | tL $ | ` 8D tX | Ũp tt|. DERRP$6RRPBaC I will instruct you and show you the way you should walk, give you counsel with my eye upon you. DE  P:"  PB-Ctmct¸ 23,3 x8\ | L Ȳ X tDŽ L8tǴ|. DE@)RRPG@tmctHB2 C @Ǹ 16,9 xt ȹL<\ ^8D ĬXij X xLD tD” @ زt. D E @RRtBPC In their hearts humans plan their course, but the Lord establishes their steps. D E @n  tB D E @ RRtB9C He guides me along right paths for the sake of his name. DE@2/  PB6 C¸ 31,4 @ X , X 1DtȲ tDŽ X´ | tL xijXՌ. DEn6RRP$:RRPBP/C For you are my rock and my fortress; for your name s sake lead me and guide me. DE.@  P:D  PB3 C`Ǹ 3,6 Š\ 8D w D LD T|. خ $ ^8D 笌 t ¬|. DERKRRP$ORRPBJC@ In all your ways be mindful of him, and he will make straight your paths. DEU  P>X  PBCDX! DE@6`RRPB+C`ز@ Ȍ uXij] tX | ` 8\ xijX” XՐزtȲ. DEeRRPiRRPBFCй\ | ` 8D tX Ũp | $. ز tDŽ X´ x 8\ | tL xijt $. DEdoRRPsRRPAxRRPB4 CtmctǸ 16,3 $ XՔ |D زخ Ṩ|. ĬXՔ |t t踴 t. DERRP,RRRPG@tmctH B; C ` 1,11 X t t $Ƙ ;D t踌 t , ^ | t Ũ $. D E @RRtBNC Grant success to your servant this day, and let him find favor with this man. D E @n  tB} C =8 39,5 xt ID 0 ǰX x<\ 8 0, زخ I L8 tɸ X D h. زX t H ǔ t, ǔ t X ǰ  . D E  RRt_RRtBC From the moment that he put him in charge of his household and all his possessions, the LORD blessed the Egyptian s house for Joseph s sake; the LORD s blessing was on everything he owned, both inside the house and out. D E j  tR  tBD E @!RRtBC DX! D E @&RRtBOC زخ D DX pm ̹ Xp ȹLD ٳ¤T \ @| nj t $. DՔ\ ijD  t $. D E @j,RRtBSC ` ij Ō t  t $. D $ $. %X زX ;D t踌 t $. D E @1RRtB C tmct D E @F7RRtG @tmctHB/C3:3 l tt Ŭ<а? 19<\ ‘X tȔ !Ǵ\ ȹXΠа? DBmC Are you so foolish? After beginning with the Spirit, are you now trying to attain your goal by human effort? DlBDB=CEntrust your works to the LORD, and your plans will succeed. DE  P4  PB1 C ¸ 37,5 $ 8D زخ 0 D °X|. خ t ¬|. DERRP#6RRPB;C`Commit your way to the LORD; trust in him and he will act. DE@  PBDE@%RRPBCDX! DE@N+RRPB Cй XX t |D زخ AȲ.tmct DE@0RRPG@tmctHB[C ` 8@X t t0| |, |D X” 8@ D ɴ 1X” 8@خ t |D AȲ. $ X tDŽD X زخ t踴 $. D <E @RRtB D E @nRRtB C`زX tDŽD X t踴 $. DE@*6RRPB;C`t | DńX | $ DńX ;t t踴 DńX tDŽt p鸈 ܴ췘 0 iȲ. DE;RRP ?RRPB C¸ 127,1-2 زخ D ɴ JvRRPBC C`1LѴ 5,18 | X$. tǃt ij ز H D 췄Ō |” XՐزX ;Ȳ. DERRP"RRRP@RRPBWC In all circumstances give thanks, for this is the will of God for you in Christ Jesus. DE  P>  PBYC tmct\ȹ 8,28 XՐزD XՔ t, X Ĭ 0| tD @ tŌ t hخ ǩX D t䲔 D Ƭ UȲ. DE6RRP+RRPK!RRPG@tmctHB. C \\ 4,2 0ij PX$. XՔ ȹL<\ 0ijXt h <$. D E @RRtB=C Persevere in prayer, being watchful in it with thanksgiving. D E @n  tB D E @ RRtBgC We know that all things work for good for those who love God, who are called according to his purpose. DEH'  P90+  PBDE@l2RRPBCDX! DE@7RRPB+C`֬\ 8 XՐزX ļ\ ¬ ٳXՌ XȲ ٹȲ. DEH=RRPARRPB-CXՐزX 8X 0| X| |<Ǥ D œXՌ t Ȳ ٹȲ. D"%EGRRPZKRRPB CXՐزخ hخX t tȲ iȲ. DE@PRRPB= C t XՐزX - H

RRPBCWhatever you do, do from the heart, as for the Lord and not for others, knowing that you will receive from the Lord the due payment of the inheritance; be slaves of the Lord Christ. DEC  P<G  PxK  PB DE@RRRPBC`DX DE@*XRRPBEC֬, t @X m\ \ 1XՌ XՌ t $. زD X Xt <\ ,0 t $. DDE]RRP aRRPARRP`JCRRPGRRPKRRP@PRRPBeC,Have among yourselves the same attitude that is also yours in Christ Jesus, Who, though he was in the form of God, did not regard equality with God something to be grasped. Rather, he emptied himself, taking the form of a slave, coming in human likeness; and found human in appearance, he humbled himself, becoming obedient to death, even death on a cross. DEU  P;Y  Pw~]  Pfa  PNe  P6i  PYm  PBDE@Zt  PBe C ȹ 18,10 lה t @ t p X՘|ij 0 Jij] XX|. lŌ й\. X՘ X ̬t X՘ Ĭ DńX tD . DERRP$RRRPERRPBCSee that you do not despise one of these little ones, for I say to you that their angels in heaven always look upon the face of my heavenly Father. DE  P@  P}  PBR C@ ȹ 25,40 \ lŌ й\. l x t @ t p \ Ō t t \ Ō t t. DERRP#p!RRPF%RRPB^C Amen, I say to you, whatever you did for one of these least brothers of mine, you did for me. DE0+  P</  PBDE@T6RRPBCDX! DE@;RRPBC` XՐزX \ L @ Ȳ. DE@0ARRPBbC@ X՘ X ̬ XՐزX tD XhȲ. XՐزt X ز X Dń X 8֐| XhȲ. Ō \ t \ زخ \ t| XhȲ. DEFRRP JRRPABORRPB8C}Ő|] T | ʹ T 1 xǬX ; X|X X XՌ t $. DETRRPYRRPB C@t 6,35-36 췘 lה | X|. Ō t D4ij | й ȴ|. t l D t t t. lה < X @ t. خ @| t E\ Ōij xǐX0 L8t. l Dńخ DX lij D\ t |. DE RRP#RRRPERRPh RRPHRRPRRPB C`!But rather, love your enemies and do good to them, and lend expecting nothing back; then your reward will be great and you will be children of the Most High, for he himself is kind to the ungrateful and the wicked. Be merciful, just as also your Father is merciful. DE@   P<  Pw"  P&  P*  PB3 C`tmct\ȹ 12,15 0оXՔ t hخ 0оX Ɣ t hخ $. DE1RRP,66RRPG@tmctHB2 C @1\ 3,18 @ 췄, й \ X й ٳ<\ ɬ H i. D BCC `Children, let us love not in word or speech but in deed and truth. D B D B;C`Rejoice with those who rejoice, weep with those who weep. DE@;  PBVC ȹ 6,1 lה Ō t$ ^ X\ |D X Jij] pX|. JD ij JŵȲ. $ƈ$ Ȕ  RRPBk C` \ȹ 8,26 t@ t, 19خij }\ Ƭ| ij@Ȳ. Ƭ ,x )<\ 0ij`  t̹, 19خ й\ `  t Xp Ƭ| X lt Ȳ. DE CRRP"GRRPD6LRRPfPRRPBCIn the same way, the Spirit too comes to the aid of our weakness; for we do not know how to pray as we ought, but the Spirit itself intercedes with inexpressible groanings. DEU  P8Y  Pr]  PBZC@ \ȹ 8,34 ̳Dh 8<\ DŘ ,  XՐزX $x ID Ĭ , Ƭ| X lt ” t \ ij زtȲ. DEeRRP#TiRRPEmRRPBuCIt is Christ Jesus who died, rather, was raised, who also is at the right hand of God, who indeed intercedes for us. DEs  P@v  PB4 C1ܴ 5,7 췄X qD خ 0$. خ 췄D ̳ ĬȲ. DERRP"RRRPB9C Cast all your worries upon him because he cares for you. DE@  PB CDլ 4,6-7 D4ij qX ȹ$. Š\ XՔ ȹL<\ 0ijX lXp 췄X D XՐزخ DŰ$. t X tt|  XՐزX T 췄X ȹL D ij ز H   Ȳ. DE@ RRP"NRRPARRPaRRPD"RRPBCHave no anxiety at all, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, make your requests known to God. Then the peace of God that surpasses all understanding will guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus. DE '  P9+  Pr/  Pj3  PB DE@:RRPB CDX! DE@@RRPB Cزخ ̳ ĬȲ t qD زخ AȲ. DE@ERRPBK C` Ť | Ť iij X tt|  XՐزX T X ȹL D   tȲ XՔ ȹL<\ AȲ. DEJRRP BORRPASRRPB C`Žtmct DE@(|PG@tmctHB$C T 3,11 خ D L Dńij] ̹ܴh. D E @RRtBC God has made everything appropriate to its time, but has put the timeless into their hearts so they cannot find out, from beginning to end, the work which God has done. D E n  tV  tB8 C Ǹ 16,4 زخ D  \ ̹ܴh<Ȳ ExLij YX D X ̹ܴh. D E @RRtBNC The LORD has made everything for a purpose, even the wicked for the evil day. D E @  tBR C @ \ȹ 8,28 XՐزD XՔ t, X Ĭ 0| tD @ tŌ t hخ ǩX D t䲔 D Ƭ UȲ. D E @<RRtBgC We know that all things work for good for those who love God, who are called according to his purpose. D E @"  tB0 C ¸ 145,17 زخ X 8 X\ ٳ 1X. D E @)RRtB=C The LORD is just in all his ways, merciful in all his works. D E @T/  tBC DX! D E @6RRtB C \ ij \ XՐزخ ̹ܴhȲ. D E @6>RRtB1 C زخ D  \ ̹ܴh D L Dńij] ̹ܴhȲ. D E @CRRtB/C XՐزD XՔ tŌ t hخ ǩX D t䲔 D UȲ. D E @IRRtBF C Ť D T|ij ز@ X\Ȳ. ز@ ٳ 1XȲ ଵD Xij زX 1X L8Ȳ. D E @PRRtBG C Ƭ| \ زX Ĭ@ T| \ Ĭt YD \ Ĭt DȲ\ ز@ ƬŌ @ lݹD ଐ XȲ. D E @&VRRtBNC ز@ ƬŌ ଵD hij زX l `\ Ō 0Ȳ. زخ <\ Ƭ| tij Ռ Xij J<Ȳ. D E @[RRtB C `|! D E @:cRRtBC XՐز@ Ȉ @ tp `Ŕ iȲ. D E @hRRtB- C ¸ 136,1 زD ,̡X|. < t. زX `Ŕ X. D E @NpRRtB@C Praise the LORD, for he is good; for his mercy endures forever. D E @u  tBD E @|  tBD E @4  tBDE@ RRPBC C`T 7,14 \ Ŕ XՌ ɴ|. \ Ŕ, t \ \ XՐزخ ̹ܴhLD X|. DE(RRP%zRRPBC On a good day enjoy good things, and on an evil day consider: Both the one and the other God has made, so that no one may find the least fault with him. DE  P4  Po!  PB< C¸ 119,75 ز, X ܭ X\D  UȲ. 1X0 Ō ଵD XhȲ. DE(RRP$F-RRPBZC@ I know, LORD, that your judgments are righteous; though you afflict me, you are faithful. DE2  P86  PB DE@=RRPBm C  29,11 l| X ȹ(\ ĬD L . زX йt. @ T| \ Ĭt YD \ Ĭt DȲ\, lŌ @ lݹD ଐ \. DE FCRRP#GRRPEKRRPf`@  P|HD  P0H  PL  P,P  PBa C | 1,2-3 X  췄,  ( `Ɍ t D Ŕ 0h<\ 0$. 췄ij L t, 췄X Lt D RRPFBRRPg2GRRPBCBut now, thus says the LORD, who created you, Jacob, and formed you, Israel: Do not fear, for I have redeemed you; I have called you by name: you are mine. DEL  P9P  PupT  PB7 C\ 16,33 lה 8 ଜD D t. 췘 0| |. 8D tǼ. DE[RRP#_RRPBRC@ In the world you will have trouble, but take courage, I have conquered the world. DEle  P=Ti  PB+C`¸ 27,14 زخ ||. $ ȹL s8 ˯˯t8|. زخ ||. DERRP$RRRPBECWait for the LORD, take courage; be stouthearted, wait for the LORD! DE  P;  PBTC ¸ 42,6 RRPBC`Do you not know? Have you not heard? The LORD is God from of old, creator of the ends of the earth. He does not faint or grow weary, and his knowledge is beyond scrutiny. DE#  P5'  Pp|+  PBC@"He gives power to the faint, abundant strength to the weak. Though young men faint and grow weary, and youths stagger and fall, They that hope in the LORD will renew their strength, they will soar on eagles wings; They will run and not grow weary, walk and not grow faint. DE@ 0  P<x4  Pn`8  PH<  P0@  PBCDX! DE@lGRRPBLC 1X XՐز, % t<\ (D X J< (D D L Š 8ij ȹ(t ” XՐز, XՐزD XiȲ. D ELRRP!,QRRPB~URRPBA C Ƭ 1t ij \հt Ƭ| H lt ” XՐز, XՐزD XiȲ. DEZRRP >_RRPBKC` ƬX <˜@ t ´ $ Lȹ ij XՐز, ƬX \ ǔ ltǔ 1Dt XՐز, XՐزD XiȲ. D;EdRRP hRRPAPmRRPB7C<\ tŌ D 0t Ŕ tŌ 0%D ˳D ” XՐز, XՐزD XiȲ. D#ErRRP wRRPB C2Tϰ 1,3-4 Ƭ  ijX Dń XՐزخ ,<0| UȲ. @ xǐX Dńp \X XՐزtȲ. XՐزخ Ƭ X֜D D Lȹ \t ´, Ƭij Ō @ \\, ( X֜D D \`  nj XȲ. DE@ RRP#RRRPBRRPa RRPHRRPB$C$Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of compassion and God of all encouragement, who encourages us in our every affliction, so that we may be able to encourage those who are in any affliction with the encouragement with which we ourselves are encouraged by God. DE   P<  Ps  Pn"  PV&  P>*  PB C# 12,1-3 \, t ι@ xt Ƭ| l <Ȳ, Ƭij ( ] }Œ | | , Ƭ $| ` 8D Ɉ $. t Ƭ LX ijtp D1t زD |. خ ^ x 0hD t, Dij DőX J< |  ´, XՐزX Ō $x IRRPBRRPGRRPfKRRPORRP TRRPB C @Therefore, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us rid ourselves of every burden and sin that clings to us and persevere in running the race that lies before us while keeping our eyes fixed on Jesus, the leader and perfecter of faith. For the sake of the joy that lay before him he endured the cross, despising its shame, and has taken his seat at the right of the throne of God. Consider how he endured such opposition from sinners, in order that you may not grow weary and lose heart. DE@xY  P:`]  PwHa  P0e  Pi  P0m  Pmp  Pt  Px  PBB C@¸ 30,6 X x пtǘ X 8Xǔ \ Ȳ A Lt C|ij DhŔ X8XՌ |. DERRP"RRRPB}CFor his anger lasts but a moment; his favor a lifetime. At dusk weeping comes for the night; but at dawn there is rejoicing. DE  P;  Pr  PBGC¸ 126,5-6 <\ ( ̿X t X8Xp pP|. ̿ ( p X t X8Xp ̳D$Ƭ|. D ERRP$RRPBCThose who sow in tears will reap with cries of joy. Those who go forth weeping, carrying sacks of seed, Will return with cries of joy, carrying their bundled sheaves. DE"  P:t&  Pt\*  PB: C@| 6,9 X й Ĭ @ |D i. 0X J@?  PB.CǸ 14,4 :u  Pv"y  PB\C 1Tϰ 4,7  | t D ȲL? p  J@ t  ǵȲL? P @ t|t \  J@ x ǑiȲL? DERRP#RRRPDRRPBC@Who confers distinction upon you? What do you possess that you have not received? But if you have received it, why are you boasting as if you did not receive it?tmct DE  P6  Ps  PG@tmctHBLC 2Tϰ 3,5  Ƭ 4 ǩt Ǵ ¤\ 4x tȰ 4䲔 й@ DٲȲ. ƬX ǩ@ XՐزŌ 5Ȳ. D E @RRtBC Not that of ourselves we are qualified to take credit for anything as coming from us; rather, our qualification comes from God. D E @n  tBDE@RRPBR C@ t 17,10 t@ t lij | @ \ X ,  lה ĨŔ ȅȲ. t| ` |D XD пȲ. X йX|. DE"RRP&&RRPI0+RRPBCSo should it be with you. When you have done all you have been commanded, say,  We are unprofitable servants; we have done what we were obliged to do. DE0  P:4  Pqn8  PB C@1Tϰ 15,9-10 ij p ǃŔ \, ij| ǩp( Ŕ Ȳ. XՐزX P| tX0 L8Ȳ. 췘 XՐزX @<\ X ŵȲ. XՐزخ Ō x @@  JXŵȲ. p lij `| ιt |õȲ. 췘 @ DȲ| @ hخ ǔ XՐزX @t \ Ȳ. DE?RRP$CRRPENHRRPdLRRPPRRPDURRPYRRPB(C%For I am the least of the apostles, not fit to be called an apostle, because I persecuted the church of God. But by the grace of God I am what I am, and his grace to me has not been ineffective. Indeed, I have toiled harder than all of them; not I, however, but the grace of God that is with me. DE@ _  P<b  Pxf  Pj  Pn  PB C`titMŴtmct DE@(|PG@tmctHB)C %1Tϰ 2,1-5  췄, ij 췄Ō D L, Ŝ йtǘ \ XՐزX D| X$ JXŵȲ. 췄 p  tB2 C @Ǹ 29,20 1 XՌ йXՔ D XŐа? 䲔 T\ T lݹt . D E @ERRtBCC `Do you see someone hasty in speech? There is more hope for a fool! D E @$K  tB9C Ǹ 15,23 @ 0X ,x <\ 0hD <Ȳ L޹@ L $Ɣ йt ȹ <а! D  E @`RRRtBDC One has joy from an apt response; a word in season, how good it is! D E @W  tB4C \ 16,12 lŌ ` йt Dij ι̹ l @ D X \. D  E @ _RRtB: C @I have much more to tell you, but you cannot bear it now. D E @xd  tB7C tǬ 50,4 XՐزخ Ō ȐX | ´ \ t| й\ $`  LŌ X. D E @mRRtBxC The Lord GOD has given me a well-trained tongue, That I might know how to answer the weary a word that will waken them. D E @~r  tBXC 2Ҩ 2,16-17  ݹD RRPBRC@ The heart of the just ponders a response, but the mouth of the wicked spews evil. DEC  P;G  PBd C Ǹ 17,27-28 йD tǔ D  t t ɰ\ tǔ 0| ̲ t. (\ ij ǠXt \ t D RRPJCRRPBCImmorality or any impurity or greed must not even be mentioned among you, as is fitting among holy ones, no obscenity or silly or suggestive talk, which is out of place, but instead, thanksgiving. DE H  P5L  PlP  PpT  PBDE@[RRPB-C¸ 141,3 ز,  ¼D 8  X 8D  Ȍ. D EaRRP%leRRPBIC Set a guard, LORD, before my mouth, keep watch over the door of my lips. DEj  P8n  PBCX@ D \ 0ij DE@RRPBd C ȹE ` йD T زX ;D ܴ췴 t $. 4 й Ż t| ` LŌ t $. 19X ٳX<\ йXՌ t $. | t йt $. D#<ERRP# RRPEJRRPBDC㴔 Ō ijt  @ йD X йt @D 8Ȍ t $. lݹ 0| ˳ t $. D%CERRP" RRPBsC`<  | h 0ƌ t $. 㴔 ij t@ t h $. @ Ĭ@ ٳ \ֈ Xp <( 0D Ō t $. | ȹLD Ŵ 0ƌ t $. DE xRRP##RRPD(RRPgn,RRPB?CX ( XՌ йXՌ t $. 4ij XՔ ȹL,  tXՔ ȹL<\ йXՌ t $. DE1RRP.6RRPB\ C 8 ` L@ `` L 㴔 ȹL, ļXՔ , XՔ %D $. LD㴌 t $. Xij| LD D XՌ t $. DE;RRP"?RRPD@DRRPBK C`  t| ` x ļXՌ t $. ` йD Jt XՌ t $. L޹@ й\ ܴ XՌ t $. DEIRRP"NRRPCRRRRPBZ C@  ɷ \Ĭ| L  XΔ D йX JŌ t $. ( | 8x Xp x pȸXp tX$ JŌ t $. DEWRRP"\RRPCd`RRPB7C D <$ ȴt $.  ¼D 8  X 8D  $. DEeRRP"$jRRPB9C DńX | $ DńX ;t t踴 DńX tDŽt p鸈 ܴ췘 0 iȲ. DX. DEqRRPvRRPBC\ D \ DE@RRPB}C=8 39,5 xt ID 0 ǰX x<\ 8 0, زخ I L8 tɸ X D h. زX t H ǔ t, ǔ t X ǰ  . DE RRP# RRPEJRRPhRRPBCFrom the moment that he put him in charge of his household and all his possessions, the LORD blessed the Egyptian s house for Joseph s sake; the LORD s blessing was on everything he owned, both inside the house and out. DE   P;  Pt!  P%  PB` C =8 39,23 %@ IX 4 t D4 -ij X JX. زخ I hخ Ĭh>  PvB  PB C 1 4,10 |Š Δ tǤ|X XՐزخ t L.   Ō D ´  Ơ|  , X 8t @ hخ Ǵ  ଵD  Jij] YD ɹD $. 췐 XՐزخ \ D t踴 h. DE JRRP"nNRRPERRRPgWRRPBC@Jabez prayed to the God of Israel:  Oh, that you may truly bless me and extend my boundaries! May your hand be with me and make me free of misfortune, without pain! And God granted his prayer. DE |\  P;d`  PtLd  P4h  PB^C DX! زخ hخ ĬT XՔ |ȹ t踴 X 0 ٳ̸@ tǩƐŌ D $ $. 9 YD ɹD ଵD  JŌ t $. DEpoRRP"sRRPCxRRPBC8 D \ DE@RRPBe C =8 28,15 |, @ hخ C XՐزD LtX XՐزD 0XŒ X, XՐز<\ pXp XՐزD Tm XՌ t $. DE_RRPcRRPBC C`P ,0p UD 8 T X D |XΌ X 9 X֜D Ř < t Ō t $. DE@iRRP!mRRPB DE@sRRPB C`< DE@(|PBDE@ RRPB[ C` \ȹ 8,32 X \Dܴزȹ D| J< Ƭ P| X خ, Dܴز hخ D ƬŌ Դ J< ȲL? DE(RRP!zRRPCRRPB~CHe who did not spare his own Son but handed him over for us all, how will he not also give us everything else along with him? DE:  P9""  Py &  PB\C 13,5 ȳ й  <\ ̹qX$. خ  T | ij J ij JŠ. X йXh0 L8Ȳ. DEF-RRP$1RRPF5RRPBCLet your life be free from love of money but be content with what you have, for he has said,  I will never forsake you or abandon you. DEX;  P=@?  Pz(C  PBC`tmct 17,7-8 زD °X X °| زخ P tǔ . < 4 4@ D  ̿| ǰ ׾ 4T @ij P$ t t xt 8 tij q t  | . DE RRP,RRRPNRRPo RRPG@tmctH BjC @ 20:1 $  p °$ ` L й Ѽp@ 11t  ιLD |ij D P$X й|. `} E | xijX $ X՘ز 8@خ @ hخXȲ|. D BC When you go to war against your enemies and see horses and chariots and an army greater than yours, do not be afraid of them, because the LORD your God, who brought you up out of Egypt, will be with you. D BXC 14:9 E 11D P$X й|. @ ƬX 9t|. X 8֐ǔ Ō 8@Ɣ Ƭ@ hخXȲ|. D P$X й|. D BC And do not be afraid of the people of the land, because we will swallow them up. Their protection is gone, but the LORD is with us. Do not be afraid of them. D BSC ` 23:4 ݹX Lh\ 0\ в|ij t| P$X JD @ خ @ hخXt|. X !t@ ɹ0 | HX˜t. D BC @Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for you are with me; your rod and your staff, they comfort me. D BWC 17:45  | = =<\ D $pȲ@ ̹pX 8@X tDŽ $ XՔ tǤ| pX X՘زX tDŽ<\ $ Dx|. D BC You come against me with sword and spear and javelin, but I come against you in the name of the LORD Almighty, the God of the armies of Israel, whom you have defied. D BD BD B%C$Blessed are those who trust in the LORD; the LORD will be their trust. They are like a tree planted beside the waters that stretches out its roots to the stream: It does not fear heat when it comes, its leaves stay green; In the year of drought it shows no distress, but still produces fruit. DE@ d  P:L  P{4  P  P"  PB Cȹ 6,31-34 \ lה  4D 9DL? ,  4D ȹL? ,  4D ($DL? Xp qX ȹ|. t @ P x qt `h >̔ t. X՘X l Dńخ t t lŌ DՔhD D. lה < XՐزX |@ X X\D >D|. t t ij  t. \ |D qX ȹ|. | q@ |t ` t. @ \ ̈́X. DE@)RRP&-RRPJ1RRPl66RRP:RRP>RRP,CRRPBC1So do not worry and say,  What are we to eat? or  What are we to drink? or  What are we to wear? All these things the pagans seek. Your heavenly Father knows that you need them all. But seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be given you besides. Do not worry about tomorrow; tomorrow will take care of itself. Sufficient for a day is its own evil. DEH  P<L  PyjP  PRT  P:X  P""\  PZ `  PB CDլ 4,11-12 Mt t йD XՔ @ DٲȲ. Š\ ij ̹qXՔ D 0ƵȲ. DXՌ ij L qXՌ ij UȲ. 0tp 0p Xp |p Š\ ij ɴ DD L ǵȲ. DE@ RRP%RRRPERRPg RRPHRRPBgC,Not that I say this because of need, for I have learned, in whatever situation I find myself, to be self-sufficient. I know indeed how to live in humble circumstances; I know also how to live with abundance. In every circumstance and in all things I have learned the secret of being well fed and of going hungry, of living in abundance and of being in need. DE   P<  P|  Pn"  PV&  P1>*  PBy C 1Ҩ 6,6-8 <` q`  Lt @ p tݴȲ. Ƭ t 8 D4ij $ JX

RRPBCIndeed, religion with contentment is a great gain. For we brought nothing into the world, just as we shall not be able to take anything out of it. If we have food and clothing, we shall be content with that. DE C  P:G  PwK  PO  PB CǸ 30,7-9 Ȕ خ P | iȲ.  0  D t踴 $. @ pйD Ȍ @X $. | XՌij XՌij X ȹ Ō t ̹ }t $. JB#  P{*'  P+  P.  PB CX 3,17-18 4T4 CD <հ X ij4Ŕ D|ij ,Ƭ 4Ŕ 8 t -@ 9D D `|ij Ƭ Ŵ xƑŔ D|ij ز H pX lX XՐز H 0оXլ|. DE@ 66RRP":RRPC>RRPc,CRRP~GRRPB"C@$For though the fig tree does not blossom, and no fruit appears on the vine, Though the yield of the olive fails and the terraces produce no nourishment, Though the flocks disappear from the fold and there is no herd in the stalls, Yet I will rejoice in the LORD and exult in my saving God. DE@ L  P7P  PtT  PX  P\  PB  C@titM DE@(|PBDE@ RRPBC@XՐزخ Ltht Ȳ. DE@(RRPB CXՐزD @h@ TօȲ. DE@zRRPBCXՐز LɌ ht Ȳ. DE@RRPB CXՐز @Ɍ h@ ȅȲ. DE@:RRPBCXՐز LɌ Xt ij Ȳ. DE@#RRPB CXՐز @Ɍ Xt ij YŅȲ. DE@'RRPBC ij@ XՐز Lt 8 ɅȲ. DE@h-RRPBCij@ XՐز @t  ɅȲ. DE@1RRPB@C0 ȹL DXՔ \ p tmct DX D `|ij, XՐزD t пȲ. DE`9RRP)=RRPG@tmctHBC @T| qh t p D B0 C¸ 16,2 زخ DȲ.  @ X ز. X  ŵȲ. DEGRRP%KRRPB:C@I say to the LORD, you are my Lord, you are my only good. DE@LQ  PB! C ¸ 73,28 XՐزخ Lt Lt Ō ȵȲ. DE@XRRPB&CAs for me, to be near God is my good. DE@]  PB6 Cȹ 5,3-1tmct0 X|, ȹLt \ ! X՘| X t. DERRP,RRRPG@tmctHB C 3  X|, ȹLt \ ! D B C X՘ | X t. D B C 4 X|, |XՔ ! D B C @ \| D t. D B C `5 X|, ( \ ! D B C @ ED (` t. D B C 6 X|, X\ Ȭ ȹx ! D B C @ aqt t. D B C 7 X|, D\ ! D B C @ D| D t. D B C 8 X|, ȹLt hW\ ! D B C @ XՐزD t. D B C 9 X|, T| t踔 ! D B C @ XՐزX @| t. D B C 10 X|, X\ L8 t|  ! D B C X՘ | X t. D BC C `11 t L8 l| X tXp, l| p p<\ ( E\ йD Xt, lה X! D BB C @12 0оX pX|. l X՘ D t l. l ^ ƸŐij  t| X. D B D B"C@X|, |XՔ ! @ \| D t. DE@ RRPB! C X|, ( \ ! @ ED (` t. DE@RRPB( CX|, X\ Ȭ ȹx ! @ aqt t. DERRP RRPB"C@X|, D\ ! @ D| D t. DE@@RRPB% CX|, ȹLt hW\ ! @ XՐزD t. DE!RRP!%RRPB* C@X|, T| t踔 ! @ XՐزX @| t. DER+RRP!/RRPB*C@X|, X\ L8 t|  ! X՘| X t. DE5RRP!d9RRPBECBlessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. DE A  P=D  PB8CBlessed are they who mourn, for they will be comforted. DE@J  PB6CBlessed are the meek, for they will inherit the land. DE@O  PBVC Blessed are they who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they will be satisfied. DE.T  P>X  PB8CBlessed are the merciful, for they will be shown mercy. DE@*]  PB7CBlessed are the clean of heart, for they will see God. DE@>b  PBFCBlessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called children of God. DERg  P>:k  PBhC Blessed are they who are persecuted for the sake of righteousness, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. DENp  P46t  PB C¸ 1 DE@(|PB DE@ RRPB C@X|! ExX ; 0| w J xX 8 J

]  Pv`  Pd  Ph  PB C¸ 23 DE@(|PB DE@ RRPBj C@ ز@ X , Dl¸ Ŵ|. xx - | lŒ X ǔ\ <\ | tD´ < 0| ˳ƴ x8\ | L Ȳ X tDŽ L8tǴ|. DE (RRP#zRRPDRRPdRRPBV C  D] `X 0|  Xij YD P$X J<ǬȲ خ @ hخ Ĭ0 L8Ȳ. X ɹ@ !t Ō HD Ȳ. DE"RRP &RRP@0+RRPB> Cخ X  ^ Ō D ($  8 | | Ȳ X ”ij ݴiȲ. DE0RRP!4RRPB4CX \ 8X@ `̹t | 0tȲ Ȕ |] زX $Ƭ. DE^:RRP!>RRPBCThe LORD is my shepherd; there is nothing I lack. In green pastures he makes me lie down; to still waters he leads me; he restores my soul. DEVF  P;>J  Pw&N  PBCHe guides me along right paths for the sake of his name. Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for you are with me; your rod and your staff comfort me. DE :S  P9"W  Pp [  P^  PBbC@ You set a table before me in front of my enemies; You anoint my head with oil; my cup overflows. DEd  P=g  PB{C`Indeed, goodness and mercy will pursue me all the days of my life; I will dwell in the house of the LORD for endless days. DEm  P:p  Put  PB C ¸ 121tmct DE@(|PG@tmctHBC ¸ 127 D BHC 8@خ D 8 DȲXt 8Ɣ X  p 8@خ 1D ɤ DȲXt ¼X h Lt ij. D BIC l | t |ǴŘ p X D 9Lt ij. \ 8@خ X X” Ō D ”ij. D B}C | @ 8@X 0tǔ X 乔 X t\. @ X @ ǬX X Tִ <Ȳ tǃt X Tִ ݴ\ ǔ ij. t 18 X @ ` L X| X DȲXլ\. D BC Unless the LORD builds the house, its builders labor in vain. Unless the LORD watches over the city, the watchmen stand guard in vain. D BjC @ In vain you rise early and stay up late, toiling for food to eat, for he grants sleep to those he loves. D BC Sons are a heritage from the LORD, children a reward from him. Like arrows in the hands of a warrior are sons born in one's youth. Blessed is the man whose quiver is full of them. They will not be put to shame when they contend with their enemies in the gate. D B DE@ RRPBA C D X D ܴ$. ij@  $Ƭ$? ij@ زŌ $ƬȲ X՘ ED ̹ܴ t. DE(RRP#zRRPBY C خ $ t Dp JŌ X | ɤ” خ xij J<. |, tǤ|D ɤ” خ xij J< ij J<. DERRP :RRP@"RRPBB C@ز@ | ɤ” , ز@ X , $ $x Ĭ. Ŕ tij, $Ŕ ij | tX J<Ǭ|. DE'RRP"L,RRPBBC@زخ E | ɤ $ D ɤ. p p زخ | ɤ, tȀ0 L. DE1RRP! 6RRPBC@I raise my eyes toward the mountains. From whence shall come my help? My help comes from the LORD, the maker of heaven and earth. DE=  P8A  PmE  PBzC@He will not allow your foot to slip; or your guardian to sleep. Behold, the guardian of Israel never slumbers nor sleeps. DEJ  P9~N  PrfR  PBC The LORD is your guardian; the LORD is your shade at your right hand. By day the sun will not strike you, nor the moon by night. DEzW  P5b[  PrJ_  PBCThe LORD will guard you from all evil; he will guard your soul. The LORD will guard your coming and going both now and forever. DE^d  P:Fh  Po.l  PB C¸ DE@(|PBDE@ RRPB4C¸ 19,13 ; DȲ\ RRP#BRRPDFRRPe8KRRPORRPBC#How great is your goodness, Lord, stored up for those who fear you. You display it for those who trust you, in the sight of the children of Adam. You hide them in the shelter of your presence, safe from scheming enemies. You conceal them in your tent, away from the strife of tongues. DE@ T  P:X  Py\  P`  Pd  PBC ¸ 39,5-8 ز,  ]D L$ Ȍ.  t ȹx L$ Ȍ. t t ȹ gŔ LŌ t. , خ  D  8t\ X´  … ^ Ŕ Ȳ. @ P \ձ @<\  D п. @| D E@ RRP&RRRPHRRPj RRPHRRPBo C x@ \ձ \ ɘp t ̹ <հp D aȲ.  D pP  Lij \ D. 췘 t ز,  4D |ȲL? X lݹ@ $ خ ǵȲ. DE RRPRRPAZRRPb#RRPBC LORD, let me know my end, the number of my days, that I may learn how frail I am. To be sure, you establish the expanse of my days; indeed, my life is as nothing before you. Every man is but a breath. DE )  P8-  Pp0  P4  PBCMan goes about as a mere phantom; they hurry about, although in vain; he heaps up stores without knowing for whom. And now, LORD, for what do I wait? You are my only hope. DE 9  P4=  PmA  PE  PBC¸ 51,11-14 X < tD X | Ȍ. XՐز, hW\ ȹLD Ȍ ̹䴴 st\ D  H m XՌ. t | X ȹ X p\ D Ȍ pP ȹ. lX 0hD Ȍ ̳$ …X <\ |  Ȍ. D E LRRP$,QRRPG~URRPjYRRP"^RRPtbRRPBC#Turn away your face from my sins; blot out all my iniquities. A clean heart create for me, God; renew within me a steadfast spirit. Do not drive me from before your face, nor take from me your holy spirit. Restore to me the gladness of your salvation; uphold me with a willing spirit. DE@ g  P>k  Pro  Ps  P~w  PB DE@~RRPBC¸ 62,6-8 z7  Pzb;  PJ?  PB C@¸ 103,2-5   P= B  P{F  PI  PM  P!Q  PBY C ¸ 127,1-2 زخ D ɴ JD ij JŵȲ. DE8RRP%f<RRPE@RRPBH C $ƈ$ Ȕ  4  P&8  P<  PBCBehind and before you encircle me and rest your hand upon me. Such knowledge is too wonderful for me, far too lofty for me to reach. DE"A  P: E  PtH  PBC!Where can I go from your spirit? From your presence, where can I flee? If I ascend to the heavens, you are there; if I lie down in Sheol, there you are. If I take the wings of dawn and dwell beyond the sea, Even there your hand guides me, your right hand holds me fast. DE@ N  P;Q  P{U  PY  P]  P